Gin-For's Odditiques

Ruscha R23 Jug, Cascade Type Glaze

Presented by Gin-For's Odditiques

Ruscha R23 jug, view one

Ruscha Jug; description, purchase info below.

Ruscha r23, second view

Ruscha r23 jug, bottom Ruscha r23 jug, second view


Description, Buying, and Such Things

Description: The R series is a special series, but the exact meaning isn't me anyway. In normal numbering, a single handled item would be in the 300 series, but this is R23. The glaze coloring is like the Cascade series, but the coloring is known in softer, semi-matte and this bolder, stronger coloring. The Cascade items in the catalog I have are all the softer style, and I don't know if this is considered Cascade or a different glaze. Form, line, and proportions are all good, and it's a particularly good example of the glaze.

Height is about 12".

Condition is excellent with no chips, no cracks, no damage. Our guarantee is simple. If you don't like it, send it back. All you risk is the return shipping.

Price is $195 plus shipping/insurance. We'll work out the best shipping options with you,including whatever discount we get if using Pirateship.

You may notice that we don't have a checkout where you can just click for your goodies without so much as saying hello. I realize that it's not as quick and convenient, but we want people to say hello, ask questions, even hope for a better deal. We especially want to be able to figure the best shipping we can rather than depending on a program to do that.

Send us an e-mail at specifying the item you're interested in and the ZIP or country for shipping, and I'll get back to you with a total (no handling fees or anything like that).

These days, Paypal is about the easiest payment method around, but we can take Venmo, still take checks, even cash. No Monopoly money, nothing printed up in your basement, no chickens, etc., but otherwise we're fairly flexible. If we can put it in the bank without anyone getting in a tizzy, we'll probably take it.

Please take time to stroll through the site. Sorry we can't offer you a cup of coffee or tea while you're looking, but maybe you can take care of that yourself. Just don't spill it on the keyboard. Please, no spit takes if one of my puns hits the spot. (Of course, I want to hear about it if it happens.)

Hope you'll enjoy our "sing the body eclectic" approach (with apologies to Walt Whitman). As always, proceeds go to support our creditors, my spouse, our cats, my auction addiction, and the plumbing project that never ends.

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